The First Full Week


It has been great to meet so many parents and members of the local community over the first couple of weeks that I have been with the federation. I would like to thank everyone who has made me feel so welcome.

The response from the children to the arrival of a new acting head has been really positive, and the pride they take in the things they are doing has been evident. I have been in lots of classes and seen some wonderful learning going on. 

Until you start working in a new school, you can't really appreciate the intricacies and quirks that make a place what it is. Over the last week or so the learning curve has been steep as I have tried to get to grips with the way things run, and more importantly the people who make it all happen. 

The team of people across the federation are incredibly dedicated to the work that happens in all three schools, and their passion to help our young people has been clear to see. 

Alston Moor Federation is a small but complex organisation, and there is a real energy to the children, classes, and schools that make up the federation. The children have also done their best to give me their views on life across the federation. I've been treated to stories of playtime whilst having lunch at Nenthead, and been invited to try stilts at Alston Primary on the playground. 

On Tuesday Samuel King's School held their parents' evening for the older year groups. I enjoyed meeting with a number of parents who were keen to tell me all about the things that are important to them at the school, and why the school was where they wanted their children to be. 

This week we have launched a wider feedback activity across the whole federation in the form of a parental survey. A link to this has been sent out to parents and carers at each school. If parents and carers can find the time to complete this (it should take about five minutes) it would be hugely helpful. The surveys will help us to direct our efforts in the months ahead. 

Thank you again to everyone who has taken the time to introduce themselves and offer their advice. The consistent message from many people has been to "buy some winter tyres" - sound advice I will try to follow. 

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